Saturday, May 9, 2009

Health News for Breakfast

Stop drinking Cold Tea at Breakfast

People are paying extra attention to organic diet, and start the day by drinking vegetable or fruit juice. Fruits and vegetables are beneficial to our health. They can provide direct nutrition and vitamins, and help cleaning up the body waste. However, people ignore one important point, that it is more vital to always keep our body warm.

Breakfast: most important meal of the day

We now know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is the first way we have the energy and nutrient supply after the whole night rest. Therefore, eating a hot breakfast is vital to our health. Warm food will do well to our stomach, it also help to keep the digestion and absorption capacity of the spleen and stomach healthy, so that we will have good immunity.

If we consume cold drink, we have to pay extra energy has been taking to “warm” the cold food in the stomach. Only when our body is being kept warm, can we have the normal microcirculation mechanism runs smoothly, it means blood flow, oxygen and nutrient circulation is working fine and normal.

Don't consume cold drink

When we are all young, we won’t feel any physical discomfort, especially in summer we only feel that it is so cool to have a glass of cold drink. However, the cold drink will work really in a harmful manner; it may cost body harm and increase physical weakness at the end.

Therefore, when we are having the breakfast, don’t start drinking vegetable juice, iced coffee, ice fruit juice, ice tea, green bean soup or ice milk.

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